Agaram Services

Educational Services
Exams & Coaching
Career Counselling
University Selection
Admission Guidance
Scholoarship Guidance
Academic Pathway Planning

Vision Mission Values


With 21 % of its population in the age bracket of 10 to 19 years, India has the potential to create a workforce that will fuel its growth in this decade. Presently this segment of the population is in elementary, secondary and senior secondary schools. On the other hand, in recent times numerous new and previously unheard of avenues for higher education and making careers have come up. More than 600 courses in over 500 universities and 33000 colleges in India have created ample opportunities for each student seeking a college admission. We at  Agaram Academy® believe that proper course and college admission guidance and support is critical for school students in India. Only then can they take advantage of the emerging opportunities in higher education to achieve future success. With its college admission solutions that match students’ capability, performance and preferences with the present and emerging opportunities for higher education, we look forward to making a meaningful contribution to the students, parents, schools, community and the nation.


Enable students find the perfectly matched course and college in India through comprehensive admission support and career guidance.


§           Trust

Admission Guidance

Right College selection: Admission Solution has a fleet of experts, which help you to select the most at college/ university in accordance with your profile, expedient location and budget.
Right Course selection: We solve your confusion related to selection of the course for higher studies.
Admission Formalities: Choosing the right course from the multitude options is indeed a trying task. We provide our enrolled students with the best tools, which help them to identify and narrow down their choices of interest. Our expert counselors guide the students to wisely select the course/ program, college or university and then it is our responsibility to take the student through the entire process of admission. It is our responsibility to assist the student in preparing all the necessary documentation and finally fulfill their dreams of their desired college or university.
What do you get after coming to us?
1.         A professional with years of experience who can provide guidance to help you understand what needs to be done, and when, for a successful application.
2.         Help gaining admission to the top colleges in the country as well as lesser known colleges that provide a better fit.
3.         Personalized attention to your needs including unlimited help on all aspects of the college admissions process.
4.         Objective advice for both students and parents to help alleviate some of the stress families feel when searching for the right college.
5.         Guaranteed satisfaction with the help provided.
The Process of Consultation:
1.         The college admissions process starts with our helping the student to identify the sort of college that would be best for them. We provide guide lines and a list of colleges that meet the criteria set by the student.
2.         During this time we help the family to understand the many aspects of paying for college to ensure that the family isn’t paying more for their ideal college than necessary.
3.         Once the student has a list of possible colleges we assist them in understanding the application process. This includes brainstorming ideas for the essay and then editing of the essay until it best represents that student’s abilities.
4.         We help students plan college visits, understand how to give effective interviews and discuss how to get the best recommendations.

5.         Finally, discussions are held with the family regarding the best time for the student to apply whether it be early decision, early action or regular decision.

Career Councelling

Career counselingcareer guidance and career coaching are similar in nature to other types of counseling or coaching, e.g. marriage or psychological counseling. What unites all types of professional counseling is the role of practitioners, who combine giving advice on their topic of expertise with counseling techniques that support clients in making complex decisions and facing difficult situations. The focus of career counseling is generally on issues such as career exploration, career change, personal career development and other career related issues.
There is no agreed definition of career counseling worldwide, mainly due to conceptual, cultural and linguistic differences.This even affects the most central term counseling (or:counselling in British English) which is often substituted with the word guidance as in career guidance. For example, in the UK, career counseling would usually be referred to ascareers advice or guidance. Due to the widespread reference to both career guidance and career counseling among policy-makers, academics and practitioners around the world, references to career guidance and counselling are becoming common.
Professional career counselors can support people with career-related challenges. Through their expertise in career development and labor markets, they can put a person’s qualifications, experience, strengths and weakness in a broad perspective while also considering their desired salary, personal hobbies and interests, location, job market and educational possibilities. Through their counseling and teaching abilities, career counselors can additionally support people in gaining a better understanding of what really matters for them personally, how they can plan their careers autonomously, or help them in making tough decisions and getting through times of crisis. Finally, career counselors are often capable of supporting their clients in finding suitable placements/ jobs, in working out conflicts with their employers, or finding the support of other helpful services.
It is due to these various benefits of career counseling that policy makers in many countries publicly fund guidance services. For example, the European Union understands career guidance and counseling as an instrument to effectively combat social exclusion and increase citizens’ employability.